Weekend Reflections: Disconnected & more connected

Hi Friends!

Since I made my last post I have really committed to that transformation.  I feel so convicted to make this change that it’s been on my mind constantly.  It has been bleeding into so many areas of my life I know it’s more important than ever to really focus on being the person I was meant to be!  One of the first things I’ve been doing is really just disconnecting. #RISK.  Something about technology makes us feel so anxious, like we have to be constantly available.  So often we apologize when we didn’t answer our phones quick enough, why?  Apologizing for being in the moment?  Enough of that.  Enough being sorry for being caught up in your own life.

This past weekend Matt and I planned to have a date day!  Sometimes the weekends seem so full of chores and responsibilities that I’m desperate for some fun.   We planned a day of activities that we really enjoy to do and aside from taking photos (which should be taken on my camera, but ugh so heavy .. ) I was so disconnected from the world & sooo stress free!


Saturday morning we went to the gym & got distracted with an impromptu  photo shoot 🙂


After the gym we  got all fresh and put real clothes on (sayyy whatt?!) and headed out.


We went to the range first so Matt could shoot his new gun.  I have taken my concealed carry class & am usually quite comfortable with guns but Saturday was PACKED at the range all it was so overwhelming.  Literally some people shouldn’t be allowed to come 50ft near a weapon, but …that’s none of my business.  Anyways, I decided to pass and just be the photographer.


Like look at this smoke show.  This is mine…lawd.


After that we went to see Creed, finally.  Ironically the Rocky’s have been on all week so we were already in the mind frame but damn that movie was good.  It’s so rare a franchise can come out with that many movies but they just keep getting better.  It was late when we got out of there but Matt and I were both all fired up & motivated.

I ate an entire popcorn to myself as well and feel only slightly ashamed.  We popped around some stores, grabbed Matt a new pair of shoes and had dinner at Szechuan 132.   It’s really the only nice sit down Chinese restaurant and we only ever got with my grandmother.  I’m a terrible blogger (or a phony) and didn’t snag any photos but I had an amazing chicken pad thai.


Sunday we were pretty lazy.  We had all intentions of shooting our bows but it was rainy and crappy so it was just a lot of lounging.  We watched the message from church online (pc3live.org) and made another round of steaks for dinner – steaks, mashed potatoes, veggies – is there anything more to life?  This photo below is actually from NYE – I am a fraud.


Now, it’s Monday and there is no long weekend in sight and I am dying!  But good hair days call for celebrations …


Before I go, I’ll share you a little snippet of the message from church yesterday –

“When we move into heaven it will just be one more day of us living in God’s kingdom so we need to start living and preparing for that today.  Today counts!  There is only one way to God (through Jesus) but there are many ways to Jesus.  Someones way to Him may just be THROUGH YOU. Try viewing your life and purpose through this vision”

I am praying for an opportunity to come true this week so all prayers are welcome! I’m trusting in God that He will bring me where I need to be as part of His perfect plan.



Weekend Reflections: Laziness & Empowering Thoughts

Happy Monday!  Hope your weekends were all fabulous – ours was the absolute epitome of lazy!

I have been really fatigued and light headed this past week so there was very little movement on my part.  I had some blood work done on Thursday in hopes that we could find something array but so far it’s looking like it’s a sinus infection or I was dehydrated.  Water is usually attached to my hip at all times but it’s a thousand degrees lately so maybe not enough.   I got a lot of rest last week and I’m starting to feel about 75% back to normal so I’m looking forward to a great week!

Saturday Matt & I got up early and headed to the gym.  After the gym we spent the day at a local water park.  My company does a deal every year so we took full advantage!  I can’t say I did much other than float in the lazy river but it was such a great day to be by the water & something a little different than just being at the beach!


My mom came with the babies which was really fun.  It seemed that at all times someone had a mini me with them, Matt even got off the hook from being their #1 go to guy!


We floated around the lazy river literally all day but sprinkled in a round of go karts & laser tag.  Somehow all the adults lost laser tag to the kids, not sure if that’s a good thing or an embarrassment.



Between the sun & hanging with the babies all day we were wiped!  We headed out around 5 & grabbed some taco’s on the way home.  I can’t believe I yet again didn’t snap a picture!  If you haven’t been to Flaming Amy’s in Wilmington – you are missing out (laughing that I’ve only done food reviews of taco’s thus far on the blog).  Flaming Amy’s isn’t quite the “sit down restaurant” that K38 is so it’s more of quick service place.  They have a fresh salsa bar with a few standard tomato salsa’s and then some DELICIOUS specialities like my favorite – wasabi avocado, uh it’s so delicious (side note: why don’t i make this myself?!).  The queso is outta this world as well but we didn’t get any this time (maybe that’s why I wasn’t that full?) but we did both get chicken taco’s.

People dine at Flaming Amy's Burrito Barn in Wilmington, NC on Saturday, July 12, 2014. Copyright 2014 Jason Barnette Flaming Amy's Burrito Barn is locally owned by Amy and Jay Muxworthy, both of whom have a passion for great food, fun atmosphere, and good customer service. The Barn was the first venture for the couple, who also own and operate Flaming Amy's Bowl.

We ended up taking to the couch for the rest of the evening with a fixer upper marathon.  I can’t be the only person who is obsessed with this show?  They flip and reno farm style houses in texas – hello dream life!

Sunday was full of absolutely nothing.  We ate breakfast laying on the couch.  We watched the british open, we took naps, we ate every leftover imaginable from the fridge, burned every candle in the house.  It was blissfully lazy & perfect.

Love this brand of gel polish btw!


We had a really great heart to heart on Sunday that lead to me feeling more empowered than I ever have.   I won’t bore you with those details but I am truly so thankful to have found my partner and best friend in Matt.  He is my sounding board for everything & it really is amazing to have someone who you can trust to guide you in the right direction.   After talking with him I felt like I really got my confidence back.   I have always found myself to be one who gets lost in all the details & very easily overwhelmed.  This has caused me to always turn to others to help guide me and make the right decisions.  Though that has worked because I trust the people I have gone to it has made me really reliant on others.  You are truly the master of your own life & the direction you wish it to take.  You need to trust in yourself to make the right decisions for you – don’t get caught up in what everyone else is doing or what you think you’re supposed to do!  Trust in your own abilities to lead you in the right direction.  I am really excited about taking the reigns back!


I hope you have a wonderful week!  Tonight we golf!

XO, Casey