Happy Anniversary my sweet!

If you read my prior post you know Matt & I’s anniversary was this past weekend and though I mentioned it there I wanted to devote a post to pouring my heart out for this man.  If you tend to be a negative person or someone unable to be happy for another person – feel free to just skip past this post.

Matt and I started as distant friends.  We spent hours on the phone talking about everything under the sun and very quickly learned that we were heading to something more.   We didn’t know what was happening at the time but it was truly something special and really one of those  “it just happened” moments.

Matt came down to visit for the 1st time in August of last year.  By the end of the trip we knew we couldn’t bare to be apart any longer.  Matt left and sold his house in Massachusetts and moved to NC in November.  A lot happened in that 2 1/2 month period and it wasn’t easy.  It was a huge leap of faith but I would go back and do it 100x over.  The only change we would have made is having me move to Mass, but who is to know what the future holds.

KeithMt Washington

To say the past year has been easy would be a stretch.  However I have never once doubted the decision I made to love him.  I am a hopeless romantic and can sometimes ignore the bad in a person to focus on the good.  With Matt, I don’t have any bad to focus on.  No one is perfect and we both have things to work on but the “checklist”, for lack of better words, is  complete.  We are on the same page with the big things that matter and if I’ve learned anything it’s that the little things will never amount to much.

Christmas First pic

Matt, you have given me adventures I couldn’t have imagined I would get to experience.  If we are being completely honest I didn’t even like some of these things before you, camouflage being one of them. You’ve taught me what it really means to respect someone and show them unconditional love.  You’ve shown me how important it is to build up your partner and ensure they always feel secure and loved.  We have seen how easy it is for people to cross the line and know that we respect the boundaries and stay within them.  You’ve taught me pick my battles and learn to compromise though I can’t seem to understand why I can’t leave my stuff all around the house since it’s easier to find it out in the open 🙂


Thank you for being patient with me when I’m unable to make a decision or being completely irrational.  Thank you for knowing when to give me that extra push for a killer workout and when to buy me froyo with 10 lbs of toppings.  Thank you for letting me take care of you even though you’re completely capable aside from putting outfits together.  Thank you for letting me give you 20 options for food when I will only end up being okay with one.  Thank you for helping me learn to give over control but knowing when I just need to have it.


Thank you for always giving me some level of effort.  I know that we can’t always be our best at all times but you always give me your best of the moment.  You always make me a priority even if you have more important things going on.  You consider my feelings especially when they are sensitive to just about everything.   You bite your tongue when I’m being ridiculous and know to step in and give me constructive criticism when needed.  You make me laugh just when I need it the most.


You are always willing to go with the flow.  You can be energetic and ready to go or ready to lay on the couch all day.  You never complain when I make you hop out of bed and get ready in a flash – though I still find it hard to believe you were ever  fast enough to take a power shower in the military ;). You know me well enough to tell me when I have taken on too much and given me tough love when I’m getting overwhelmed and need to power through.


You are always the first one to say sorry and heaven knows most of the time I need to.  Knowing that you’ll never turn me away makes me feel loved and secure.  You have never pushed me away even though I have often deserved it.  You know when to give me space and when to push through my rough exterior.  I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate when you cancel your plans to come be with me when I am really needing attention and love.   It is that mutual respect and understanding that makes us so strong.


I love you.  I love you so unconditionally I didn’t think it was possible.  You are teaching me to be a better woman and in turn it is making me the best, most complete version of myself.  I am becoming the person I have always wanted to be but was too worried about others opinions.  There is nothing scripted or forced with us, you are my absolute better half.  You are my partner in everything and always my first choice to spend time with.  You are everything I am not and everything I didn’t know I needed.  Time spent with you is never time wasted and the second it’s over I am craving to get it back.

golf  Jungle Rapids

I am unashamed of how I feel because I am so proud to call you mine.  I am proud of everything that has made you who you are today and though I wish I could change pieces of history I know that the Matt I have is the best version of you.  I know that every missed opportunity and path change was to lead me directly to you.  I have no idea what the future holds for us but I am absolutely certain that it’ll start and end with you (and 40 acres).  I will always have your back and support you 100%.  I want nothing but the best of the world for you and to share in that glory with you.  It all means nothing without you.


Thank you for this crazy ride. Thank you for this beautiful life so full of love.   I’ll never need another kind of green to know, I’m on the right side with you.   I hit the jackpot babe. Now all I need from you is a trip to disney world.


I love you to the moon and back

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