Weekend Reflections: Major Catch Up & Photo Dump

Woah, sorry for being MIA!

We had so much going on recently and then a few weekends of laziness and we have both really enjoyed it.  The lazy weekends go by so much faster, I can’t seem to wrap my head around why!  So what have I been up to?  Let me fill you in on all the juicy details!

Let’s start with what I’ve been eating because I like photos of outfits & food.

This Chickfila Harvest grilled chicken salad is so delicious for a quick drive through lunch


Sometimes you need french toast every single breakfast and then again for dinner. French toast breakfasts are the greatest part of working from home.

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Weekend traditions where I put every candy imaginable in my froyo and Matt has a 10 dollar cup of just hot fudge and peanut butter.


Homecooked pasta dinners 🙂


I’ve been golfing here and there.  We are still playing on Monday’s in a league and though I’m not getting a ton better, I’m certainly not getting worse so there’s that… Matt and I try to play together once during the weekend and sometimes we dress alike hah.


I got my August stitch fix box and haven’t gotten around to a review – I actually did try them all on but was in my sweaty gym clothes so it didn’t seem quite blog worthy!  I kept everything in this box! I mean check this haul out …


Some other outfits that managed to get captured in my selfie mirror.  It seems that the photo’s are never truly complete if there isn’t a sleeping dog in the corner.

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There were a couple low key date nights

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A purchase of new lunchboxes


And early birthday celebrations! My birthday is September 6th but I’ll be visiting family in Connecticut so one of my girlfriends invited us to her and her husbands house this past weekend.  Her & I went to the beach while the guys golfed and then we grilled out at their house.  It was such a nice day – the weather has finally been below 90 degree’s lately and it’s so much more pleasant to be outside!


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My adorable birthday gift from her!  All of my favorite things – coke zero’s, lotion, peanut m&m’s (which I wish I had right now) peanut butter filled pretzels, peanut butter banana trail mix and the fiber one bars are inside joke  – but delicious none the less 🙂


I’m heading to visit my best friend in Charlotte this weekend so I’ll make sure to take lot’s of photos!

How much do you all love lazy weekends?



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